Saturday, August 04, 2007

Four Years and Counting!

Thursday was our Four Year Anniversary! Bill had to work late, so we really didn't do anything special that day (although I did make homemade chicken pot pie for him). On Friday we went out to eat at a delicious restaurant called Texas de Brazil at which you can eat all you can eat huge hunks of meat. Believe it or not, I actually love those kinds of places. Then we went to the Dallas Museum of Art, and then ended the outing with cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Thoroughly stuffed and tired, we went home and watched a movie in our p.j.'s. A great day! In some ways I can't believe that it has been four years, and then in other ways, I can't remember what it was like to live without Bill. Either way, would I do it again? YES!!


Emily Elizabeth said...

Hello Sarah!
I like your blog! It was lots of fun to look at pics.! I have a blog to if you ever want to look at it my address is
I miss you very much! Hopefully we can see yall soon! I love you!
Bye Bye!
~Emmy Minatra

Sarah said...


Thanks for visiting! You are alway welcome to see what interesting - or boring, most likely - things are going on here :) I'm going to trot on over to your blog now and take a peek! I hope we can see you soon, too.
Love you bunches!