Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Blessings

What a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Though several dear friends were absent this year, it was great to spend time with family and friends. The turkeys were great, Mom made her best-yet dressing, and Bill delighted us all again with his famous pumpkin cheesecake. Usually, we eat our Thanksgiving feast outside, but the weather was too cold and wet to be out this year, so we lined up tables in the dining room and were cozy and warm for dinner. As we went around the table and each person shared what they were thankful for, I was reminded of all that we have and the numerous blessings the Lord has given us. My loving and wonderful husband, my supportive and fun family, and encouraging friends are at the top of my list for sure! On Saturday, despite the rain and cold temps, we traveled to the Christmas tree farm and cut down our tree. This is the fifth year we have gone to this place, and always look forward to it. We brought home our fattest tree yet - so tall and fat that we had to rearrange our living room to make space for it! But it is gorgeous and the smell of fresh evergreen greets us as soon as we enter the door. Now Bill and I will spend many evenings cuddled on the couch looking at the sparkling tree - I love this season :)


MaryAnn Minatra said...

great pics! this looks like it was a fun weekend, wish we could have been there! uncle al isn't sure about zuzu though...we love ya'll