Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Few More CO Pics

Spontaneity is Fun!

Last Thursday we found out that due to a switch of days at Bill's work, he had a five day weekend starting Friday. So, after a meeting at church Friday morning, on our way home we decided to go to Colorado. Yes, this was my idea, but Bill - being so wonderful - was up for it. So we came home, packed a few things and the dogs, grabbed an atlas, and headed to Colorado. So much fun! I love mountains!! We spent time in Colorado Springs, Denver, and the surrounding areas. We drove to the top of Pike's Peak and hiked around (my highlight), saw the Garden of the Gods, visited The Royal Gorge and crossed the highest suspension bridge in the world, tent camped, stayed at a nice hotel and an icky hotel, and spent the last night in a darling, tiny little cabin (also my fav). The cities were pretty and we enjoyed exploring them. The scenery was breathtaking. And the time with Bill and only Bill was the best! There is something nice about being up in the beautiful mountains with no access to t.v., internet, and no reception for your cell phones! The dogs were perfect, too, and made the trip so easy. All in all, it was a great time and I'm glad we got to do it. And here are some pics: