Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

We have had a deluge this past week! SO much rain! And if it is not raining, it is still overcast outside and looks like it will. I'm sure it is helping to make everything green and growing, so I probably shouldn't complain too much. But I miss the sun. I am a sun - person. I suppose I inherit that naturally from my Mom who is practically a lizzard and could comfortably bask in the sun on a hundred-degree day! I'm not quite there, but I do love the sun. It makes me happy. So I am excited this morning b/c there is a glimmer of sun peeking out and it may be a lovely day.

Bill is working today, which is always a bummer. Half of the fun of having a weekend is spending it together. Thankfully, this is not the norm, but I still wish he were here right now. It will give me some time to myself, though and I will try to get done some of the things that are harder to do when he is around. I have been meaning to plant tomatoes for weeks now, so that is one thing I can work on. I am hoping to have three different kinds this summer.

Bill was able to go to a church-planting conference this past Thursday, and he came back so excited about it. He said the speakers were great, and it is something he is really interested in possibly doing. I love it when he talks about things relating to our future plans :) Please pray with us as we seek the Lord's will on what He wants us to do and where He wants us to go. We are praying the He will give us a real passion for a specific calling.

As we move into the Easter week, I want to spend time meditating on the depth and richness of what the resurrection means in my life. Hope you do too :)